The average house price on ABBOTTS CLOSE is £219,623
The most expensive house in the street is 15 ABBOTTS CLOSE with an estimated value of £333,938
The cheapest house in the street is 16 ABBOTTS CLOSE with an estimated value of £127,639
The house which was most recently sold was 35 ABBOTTS CLOSE, this sold on 1 Mar 2022 for £190,000
The postcode for ABBOTTS CLOSE is LS25 3AZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £194,250 £110,000 28 Apr 2006
11 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £203,307 £164,000 30 Aug 2019
14 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £234,798 £52,000 31 Mar 1999
15 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £333,938 £164,500 28 May 2004
16 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £127,639 £42,412 22 Apr 2002
18 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £210,096 £170,500 29 May 2020
20 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £258,801 £218,995 30 Oct 2020
29 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £255,629 £140,000 24 Nov 2005
31 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £179,426 £150,000 25 Sep 2020
35 ABBOTTS CLOSE Semi-Detached £198,347 £190,000 1 Mar 2022